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The Community Service/ Restitution Program is a restorative program funded by The Juvenile Crime Prevention Council. Restitution and Community Service programs provide opportunities for juveniles to be accountable for their actions to the community and/or victims by performing supervised community service work and/or for monetary payment within the timeline stipulated in a court order, sanctions in teen court, or a diversion contract.

The maximum amount of restitution that can be paid out of the program for each juvenile is $250.00. If community service is ordered through the Department of Juvenile Justice or Teen Court, the hours to be earned will be established by the requirements or sanctions of each program.

After a referral is made by DJJ or Teen Court the juvenile is matched with county resources throughout the community. The Juvenile's age, skill and ability is considered when making a community service assignment.

For additional information you may contact Grace Thompson located in the Columbus County District Attorney Office Whiteville, NC or 910-641-4475.

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